Can We Help?

While we are a small agency (2 1/2 if you count Jpeg), we have a wealth of experience working on large scale projects as part of an integrated team, collaboration or just by ourselves. So if you want to know more or would like us to come and meet with you to discuss your requirements, then please feel free to drop us a mail or give us a ring – you’ll find all our contact information on the, you guessed it, contact page.

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To The Mana Burn

When not working on finely crafted solution and products here at Pixadecimal Towers, we like to play games. Lots of games. Board games, video games & card games. One of our long standing favourites is Magic The Gathering and a few years ago Mike knocked together a quick prototype of a life counter app to using while playing, (it saves on having lots of counters or a D20 to record life).

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I’m Singing In The Rain

Living in a predominately wet country as we at Pixadecimal do; carrying a rain coat, or at the very least an umbrella between September and June comes as second nature. The majority of the time it isn’t needed but rushing for the door during the week to catch your ride to work you may not have time to check the weather properly. If only there was a simple app that could tell you if you needed your wet weather gear?

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We’re live!

We’re live!

When you’re a boutique agency time is precious. So it has taken a while for us to schedule in a site redesign. Fortunately we managed to tie it all down in a matter of weeks in-between projects. We like the new design and hopefully so will you, and while we still have a lot planned for the site, we also need to make sure client work is finished too. So this site is designed to scale and grow as we get time to add and update each new section.

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