We’re live!

We’re live!

When you’re a boutique agency time is precious. So it has taken a while for us to schedule in a site redesign. Fortunately we managed to tie it all down in a matter of weeks in-between projects. We like the new design and hopefully so will you, and while we still have a lot planned for the site, we also need to make sure client work is finished too. So this site is designed to scale and grow as we get time to add and update each new section.

If you want to know what we’re up to over the coming months as more information and project post mortem are added, feel free to subscribe to our RSS feed for the freshest news. Alternatively, if you’re a social type you can subscribe (and like) our Facebook & LinkedIn pages. Or you could simple use our contact form. Whatever way you prefer we’d love to hear from you, (even if it’s to tell us you don’t like something :p).

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